Module: Recruiting
βPage: PSA Profile, Recruiting Calendar
Official Visits
An official visit should be logged directly on the Prospect's profile in ARMS prior to their arrival on campus. This logged activity will trigger the corresponding compliance rule updates for that prospect and will optionally trigger the electronic Official Visit Request paperwork for the Compliance Office.
Important: If you are not prompted with the Official Visit Request form, contact your ARMS Administrator to see about configuring your form electronically on ARMS.
Helpful Hint: By kicking off the Official Visit Request form from the Workflow Launchpad (if configured for your Department), the visit will automatically log on the associated prospect's profile.
Unofficial Visits
An unofficial visit should be logged directly on the Prospect's profile with an option to associate other prospects with the visit as well. If your Department has configured an electronic Unofficial Visit Request form, you will be prompted to complete the form, similar to Official Visits.