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Manage Workflow Fields
Updated over 7 months ago

Permissions needed: System Administrator and Can Use Workflow Self-Service

The self-service workflow management feature allows system administrators to make certain edits to organizational workflows without contacting the Teamworks Support team.

Table of contents

The self-service tool only allows you to make certain edits to your workflow. If you cannot make an edit within this page that you need to update in your workflow, please get in touch with

Workflow fields cannot be deleted after they are created. If you create a field by error, please contact to have the field deleted.

Create a new workflow field

  1. Navigate to the Settings icon.

  2. Select Workflows from the sidebar menu.

  3. Select View Published Version in the Actions column of the workflow you wish to edit.

  4. Select Edit Fields in the Usage tile.

  5. Select Yes, Edit a New Version of This Workflow.

  6. Navigate to the Fields tab.

  7. Hover your cursor in the location of the workflow to which you wish to add a field. This should be above or below the existing field. A field type menu will appear.

  8. From the field type menu, select the Field Type you want to add to the workflow. For more information on field types, view the field type glossary. The field will appear below the menu bar.

  9. Enter the content for the field, including

    Field Label - title of the field in the workflow.

    Field Type - automatically populates based on your selection. Use the dropdown to change the field type if needed.

    Default (if necessary) - indicates what a workflow field automatically populates with before the submitter completes the workflow field. The submitter can always edit or change the default answer.

    Required - the step completer must answer this field.

    Important - creates a column in Forms Explorer for this field.

    Searchable - creates search box in Forms Explorer for this field.

  10. After reviewing your information, select Save Changes.

Edit an existing field

You can also use the self-service field to edit an existing field within the workflow.

  1. Select the Field you wish to edit by clicking on it.

  2. Make any changes.

  3. After reviewing your information, select Save Changes.

After selecting Save Changes, the field will be updated with your changes.

Preview a workflow

Once you’ve made all your edits to the workflow, you can preview your changes before assigning the workflow out to users.

To preview the workflow, navigate to the Preview button at the very top right corner of the workflow settings page. You can then action the workflow as if you were the submitter and test out the fields you have in place.

Field type glossary

  • Heading: Add a header field to distinguish sections throughout your workflow.

  • Paragraph: Use paragraph fields to document large amounts of text, insert video and image content, and embed links.

  • Text Entry: Add a text entry field for users to answer questions or fill in information that requires letters or numerical characters.

  • Multiple Text Entry: Use the multiple text entry field for the submitter to document answers that require more written content.

  • Numeric Entry: Use a numerical field for submissions requiring only numerical characters.

  • Email: Add an email field to document email addresses within the workflow.

  • Phone Number: Add a phone number field to document phone numbers within the workflow.

  • Select One: Use a select one field to create a dropdown of options from which the submitter can choose one option when answering.

  • Multi Select: Use a multi-select field to create a dropdown of options from which the submitter can choose one or more options when answering.

  • Radio: Add in a radio field to display multiple options the submitter can choose one answer from by clicking its circle icon.

  • Checkbox: Add a checkbox for the submitter to check off items or indicate approvals within the workflow.

  • Date Picker: Utilize a date picker field for the submitter to document dates in the month, day, and year format.

  • Time Picker: Utilize the time picker field for the submitter to document time in hours and minutes format.

  • File Upload: Add a file upload field to your workflow so submitters can attach documents to the workflow submission.

  • Contact Picker: Use a contact picker field for the submitter to choose a Teamworks Compliance and Recruiting profile or manually add in profile information.

  • State Picklist: Utilize the state picklist field for the submitter to select a US state from the dropdown menu.

  • Country Picklist: Add the country picklist field for submitters to select a country from its dropdown menu.

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