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Editing a SKU
Updated over a year ago

You can make changes to a SKU whether your product is in an unpublished state, or if it is live on your website. To edit a SKU:

  1. Click “Storefront” (second icon down on the left-blue bar

  2. Click “Events”

  3. Click your camp

  4. Click “Product Configuration

  5. Scroll down to the second product facet header “SKUs”

  6. Click the pencil icon to the right of your SKU

As a reminder, there are the 5 tabs within SKU that you can edit:

  1. Description: this houses the name of the sku, and the capacity of the sku. If you need to increase or decrease the capacity, you can change the cap in the bottom left

  2. Availability: This specifies when the event is available from (open) on the website, and when it is available until (closed). If you would like the camp to be open immediately, set the available until date as today’s date. If you would like to keep the camp open until it hits your cap OR until the date of camp, leave available until blank.

  3. Price: This is the amount registrants will be paying for your camp. This price does NOT include the processing fee UNLESS you have turned processing fees off. Once you finish saving this SKU, it will be good practice to make sure processing fees are turned ON. This will charge the fee to your registrant

  4. Frequency: This only applies to recurring payments such as memberships and donations

  5. Payment Plan: If you wish to edit future payment dates for your event, you can do so here. If your past event had a payment plan associated with it, you can turn payment plans off from this page as well

Once you are ready, click Save in the bottom right corner

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