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Creating a SKU
Updated over a year ago

SKUs (store keeping units) are an essential element of your event’s configuration, as they allow your customer to purchase an item at a specified price point. If you are building a camp from scratch, you will need to create a SKU in order for the event or item to be available on the website. You may also be building additional SKUs to set price points and max caps for multiple positions.

To start building your SKU:

  1. Click “Storefront” (second icon down on the left-blue bar)

  2. Click “Events”

  3. Click your camp

  4. Click “Product Configuration

  5. Scroll down to the second product facet header “SKUs”

  6. Select “Add SKU” in the far right corner of the tab

    1. Give the SKU a name. If you would like to Cap the SKU (mostly for camps with multiple positions), add your cap in the bottom left, then click next

    2. Availability specifies when the event is available from (open) on the website, and when it is available until (closed). If you would like the camp to be open immediately, set the available until date as today’s date. If you would like to keep the camp open until it hits your cap OR until the date of camp, leave available until blank. Then click next

    3. Price is the amount registrants will pay for your camp. This price does NOT include the processing fee UNLESS you have it turned off. Once you finish saving this SKU, it will be good practice to make sure the processing fee is turned ON. This will charge the fee to your registrant. Click Next

    4. Frequency only applies to recurring payments such as memberships and donations. If this is an event or product, click next

    5. If you wish to add a payment plan for this event, you can choose what the first payment will be (as a deposit) and when/how much you want other payments to be for. Click next

    6. Review the SKU, then click “Save SKU” when you are finished

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