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Viewing CollegeSwimming Data

How to see the data from CollegeSwimming in ARMS.

Updated over 2 years ago

Users: Swimming Coaches
​Page: Recruit Profile and Recruits

After you have completed the initial setup for College Swimming, you will be able to see the data in a few areas. In order to see these data points you will need to customize the recruit's profile view. Once customized, the following information can be seen:

  1. Metrics - > This information will be stored in the Metrics Widget. A sample Metrics Widget is displayed below.

  2. Custom fields -> The following data points will be stored as custom fields and will not populate in the Metrics Widget. That said, you will be able to customize the upper portion of the recruit's profile and the recruit grid to include the following fields:

    • Power Index

    • Class Rank

    • State Rank

Note: If your recruits are listed in different sports (i.e. Men's Swimming and Women's Swimming, instead of Swimming & Diving) the custom fields listed above will appear twice. One for each sport.

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