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Sport Specific Process Roles
Updated over 2 years ago

Many workflows in ARMS will need to route not only based on the Process Role assigned for the approval at a specific step, but also based on the specific sport of the submitted workflow. Some examples of this are Sport Supervisor approvals or Compliance Team approvals where the compliance staff splits their responsibilities by sport.

ARMS workflow intelligently routes all workflows to the proper user based on this process role and sport association to the appropriate user(s) in the system without any manual intervention by an institutional staff member.

To manage the process roles, and their sport specificity, all you need to do is go into a user's profile and scroll down to the process roles section. Here you can manage their individual process roles, and within each process role you can determine which sports it should be applicable for.

To do this, click edit next to the process role you want to update (or hit add new if applicable) and then click the circle next to "Specific Sports." This will make all of the check boxes next to the sports for your institution live and you can check the box for each sport that user should be associated with.

In this example - Peter Blair will now be set up to be the Sport Supervisor for Baseball, Men's Soccer, Softball, and Women's Soccer. This will route any workflows requiring the sport supervisor approval for those sports into his Needs My Attention queue, while sending those for any other sport to their respective sport supervisor.

If a user is configured with a process role for "All Sports" then this will route any workflow requiring that role's approval into their needs my attention queue. All users who have the same process role and either all sport or specific sport configuration will see the workflow in their respective Needs My Attention queue within the Forms Hub and any of them will be able to approve that step and either complete the workflow or move it to the next step in the process.

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