Module: Recruiting
Pages: Recruits, Recruit Groups & Searches, My Calendar
Coaches can log Unofficial Visits in bulk for select recruits without needing to submit Unofficial Visit workflow. There are multiple ways to log these visits utilizing the 'Add Recruiting Event' selection in the menu. This menu option can be found on the Recruits Page and Groups tab on the Recruit Groups & Searches page. Individual recruits or groups can also be added directly to new Calendar Events.
From Recruits Page or Groups Tab:
Use the checkboxes to select recruits or group members you'd like added to the Unofficial visit.
Click on the 'Add Recruiting Event'.
Under the Type, click on 'More'
Select Recruiting and pick 'Unofficial Visit'
Use the Date and Time boxes to set the visit date and visit time.
Hit 'Save'
From the My Calendar:
Click on the 'Event' button at the top left or double click on the date you'd like to set
the Unofficial visit for.
Under the Type, click on 'More'
Select Recruiting and pick 'Unofficial Visit'
Use the Date and Time boxes to set the visit date and visit time.
Use the 'Add Groups and Individuals' search at the top right to add groups or individual recruits to the Unofficial Visit.
Hit 'Save'
Compliance logging:
Once the visit is set, an Unofficial Visit will be placed on each prospect's profile as well as logged under Recruiting Activity for Compliance.