The ARMS Cross Check system pulls in phone records from uploaded files and then matches these records with Contacts in order to check for recruiting compliance. Following these tips will help ensure your files can be processed successfully:
File Type
File formats must be in Excel (XLS or XLSX only) or CSV format.
Carrier Exports
We have tools in place to work with the standard phone activity exports from major Carriers like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint. Be sure to export your call activity to a spreadsheet. We do not support PDF or HTML printed reports.
Non-Carrier Spreadsheet Formatting
If you are providing your own spreadsheet, follow these guidelines:
One sheet per spreadsheet. We do not support multiple tabs within a spreadsheet.
Column headers are required
Columns must line up consistently through the entire spreadsheet.
If you have multiple files you can simply upload multiple files. There is no need to attempt to combine them into a single spreadsheet.
Non-Carrier Spreadsheet Required Columns
The date and time of the call or text message must be in a column. We support a combined column (ie: 12/29/2019 4:00pm) or separate columns for the date and the time.
The called number must be in a column.
The coach or staff member's phone number should be in a column.
Alternatively, if the file is named to match the person's name in their ARMS profile we can automatically match the uploaded file to the user in ARMS. The coach or staff member must have a phone number on their profile (ex: John Smith Calls January.xls)
Non-Carrier Spreadsheet Optional Columns
The direction (to/from, incoming, outbound, etc) can be included in a column.
The activity type (ie: phone call, voice mail, text message) can be included in a column.