The below chart outlines the mapping of the Compliance Assistant integration files that can be exported out of ARMS. The File Name is the "table" that it will be imported into CA (column 1), the field it will be imported into Compliance Assistant is the CA Column (column 2), and the ARMS Field is the corresponding field in ARMS (column 3).
Notes on the Integration
Compliance Assistant allows for users to create "User Defined Fields" which they term 'udf' in their database. We will not have any way to reference these fields properly from ARMS custom fields, so they are excluded from the below chart, but will all show in your exports with blank values.
There are a handful of fields that are either old CA fields no longer in use, or rarely utilized fields that we do not support in ARMS. These are denoted as "NOT MAPPED" in column 3 of the below chart. They will still appear in the exported spreadsheet from ARMS, so if these are fields that your institution uses you can either update the values in the spreadsheet before importing into CA or manually make those updates after the base import.
ARMS automatically calculates some fields based off of an aggregation of data inside the SA's profile. The values for the seasons of participation and years receiving aid are automatically calculated and not directly editable inside the SA's profile. These fields are denoted as such in column 3 of the below chart.
The NCAA created a video for importing CSV files into Compliance Assistant 2.0. Please review the video below.
Here are other NCAA Videos related to Compliance Assistant 2.0 management.
Compliance Assistant Mappings Chart
File | NCAA Field | ARMS Field |
CA2_SA | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA | birthDate | contact.birthDate |
CA2_SA | | |
CA2_SA | ethnicCode | contact.ethnicity |
CA2_SA | firstName | contact.firstName |
CA2_SA | gender | contact.gender |
CA2_SA | lastName | contact.lastName |
CA2_SA | middleName | contact.middleName |
CA2_SA | nickName | contact.nickname |
CA2_SA | primaryPhone | contact.mobilePhone |
CA2_SA | schoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA | secondaryPhone | contact.homePhone |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | admittedOnAthleticAbility | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | certProgramDate | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | certProgramName | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | countryCode | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | fulltimeEnrollmentTermAny | |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | fulltimeEnrollmentTermHere | |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | fulltimeEnrollmentYearAny | contact.studentAthlete.firstAcademicTermEnrolled.academicYear.season |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | fulltimeEnrollmentYearHere | contact.studentAthlete.firstAcademicTermHere.academicYear.season |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | highSchoolGradDate | contact.highSchoolGraduationDate |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | highSchoolName | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | internationalFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | majorDegreeDate | studentAthlete.degreeDate |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | majorDegreeId | |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | minorDegreeDate | studentAthlete.minorCertificateDate |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | minorDegreeId | studentAthlete.minor |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | onCampusFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | optMinorDegreeDate | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | optMinorDegreeId | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | recruitedBylaw13 | contact.recruited13 |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | recruitedBylaw15 | contact.studentAthlete.recruited15 |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | stateResidentFlag | studentYearInformation.stateResident |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | tempCertStartDate | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | waiverCondition | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_DETAIL | waiverConditionMetFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR | academicYear | Auto-Pull Year |
CA2_SA_YEAR | eligPeriodExtensionFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR | notes |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | keyAcademicYear | USER SELECTED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | aidRciExceptionFlag | studentAthlete.isReductionCancellationIncreaseException |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | awardPeriodExceptionCode | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | comments | rosterMember.aidComments |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | counterWithoutAidFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | familyContribution | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | initialCounterFlag | rosterMember.isInitialCounter |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | instFinancialNeed | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | nonCounterCertFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID | signingFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | action | User must add Insert, Update, or Delete |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | awardAmount | aidEvent.athleticAwardAmount |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | awardDate | aidEvent.awardDate |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | fundCode | aidEvent.fundCode.code |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | rolloverFlag | BUSINESS LOGIC -> Always N (CA specific rollover of Aid) |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | schoolAidId | |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_AWARD | sportCode | |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | keyAcademicYear | Year Selected |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | bylaw15CostAmount | rosterMember.grantInAid |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | bylaw15InstCostCode | rosterMember.grantInAidCode.code |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | bylaw20CostAmount | rosterMember.costOfAttendance |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | bylaw20InstCostCode | rosterMember.costOfAttendanceCode.code |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | equivCompDenom | rosterMember.equivalency_demoninator_gia |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | pcoaCostAmount | rosterMember.institutionalCostOfAttendance |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | pcoaInstCostCode | rosterMember.institutionalCostOfAttendanceCode.code |
CA2_SA_YEAR_AID_TERM | termCode | BUSINESS LOGIC -> Fall, Winter or Spring (User Picked) |
CA2_SA_YEAR_ELIGIBLE | keySchoolSid | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR_ELIGIBLE | keyAcademicYear | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR_ELIGIBLE | allFormsCompleteFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_ELIGIBLE | competitionCertDate | studentTermInformation.eligibleForCompetitionDate |
CA2_SA_YEAR_ELIGIBLE | financialAidCertDate | studentYearInformation.financialAidCertificationDate |
CA2_SA_YEAR_ELIGIBLE | medicalDate | studentYearInformation.medicalExamDate |
CA2_SA_YEAR_ELIGIBLE | practiceCertDate | studentTermInformation.eligibleForPracticeDate |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | keyAcademicYear | Year Selected |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | changeStatusCode | rosterMember.rosterStatus.ncaaCode |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | changeStatusDate | rosterMember.lastStatusChangeEffectiveDate |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | eligibleTerm1Flag | studentTermInformation.eligibleForCompetition |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | eligibleTerm2Flag | studentTermInformation.eligibleForCompetition |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | eligibleTerm3Flag | studentTermInformation.eligibleForCompetition |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | extraEquivalency | roster_member.equivalency_adjustment |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | minEquivExceptionId | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | seasonsUsed | BUSINESS LOGIC ->Automatically Calculated by ARMS |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | sportCode | |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT | yearsReceivedAid | BUSINESS LOGIC -> Automatically Calculated by ARMS |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_PART | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_PART | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_PART | keyAcademicYear | Year Selected |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_PART | participationStatusCode | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_PART | sportCode | |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_SPECIAL | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_SPECIAL | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_SPECIAL | keyAcademicYear | Year Selected |
CA2_SA_YEAR_SPORT_SPECIAL | specialStatusCode | H is roster_member.medical_hardship_waiver_on_file |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | keyNcaaId | contact.ncaaEligibilityNum |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | keySchoolSid | contact.universityId |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | keyAcademicYear | Year Selected |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | academicRedshirtFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | attemptedHours | academicRecordTermSummary.attemptedCreditHours |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | cumGpa | contact.studentAthlete.gpa |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | degreeApplicableHours | academicRecordTermSummary.degreeCreditHours |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | earnedHours | academicRecordTermSummary.earnedCreditHours |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | eligPeriodExtensionFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | eligibilityCode | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | eligibilityFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | fullTimeChangeDate | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | fullTimeExceptionCode | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | fullTimeExceptionFlag | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | fullTimeFlag | studentTermInformation.isFulltimeEnrolled |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | goodStandingFlag | rosterMember.goodAcademic |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | goodStandingOrGrad | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | gpa | academicRecordTermSummary.termGpa |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | minorDegreeApplicableHours | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | remedialHours | academicRecordTermSummary.remedialCreditHours |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | retentionCode | NOT MAPPED |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | termCode | studentTermInformation.academicTerm.ncaaSeasonCode |
CA2_SA_YEAR_TERM | totalDegreeApplicableHours | NOT MAPPED |