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CARA Logs: Play & Pause

Turning "On" CARA Logs for Assignment

Updated over 3 years ago

Module: Time Management
Page: CARA Approvals 

After configuring individual Sport Segments, Setting the Log Frequency, and Defining CARA Log Submitters, a sport can be turned "On" to begin assigning out logs for review and approval. 

Simply click the green "Play" button to turn the sport "On" for log assignments. 

Logs will be assigned at the next date as defined by the saved "Frequency". 

Helpful Hint: if you need to speed up log submission rather than waiting until the next week or month, change the frequency to "weekly" and set the day of the week for the following day. Don't forget to reset the Frequency after assignment! 

Pro Tip: "Pause" sports during Summer or other out of season periods to stop log assignments and the associated notifications.

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