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Getting Started with CARA - for Admins/Compliance

From Setup to Log Approvals, this is where Administration should start.

Updated over 5 years ago

For a complete list of all available help articles related to CARA, please review the Compliance section of our help site. 


Define Approval Process
Within Time Management, on the Settings page, Administrators can define which roles will be responsible for submitting logs and those that will approve logs. The ARMS default setup, and recommendation, is that Compliance Team is the final approver of a log and the CARA Log Submitter role be used to assign your submitters. 

Assign CARA Log Submitters (Sport Staff)
Typically one staff member per sport is configured to be the contact responsible for reviewing and submitting the assigned CARA Logs. More than one staff member may be configured to receive the assigned log, but only 1 staff member will be required to submit. The default role to assign to submitters is CARA Log Submitter. 

For detailed instructions on defining your submitters, please review the Defining CARA Log Submitters article.

Configure Segments
Annually, each individual sport's Championship and Non-Championship (if applicable) should be configured in ARMS for the academic year. Segments dates, as well as institution term and vacation periods, are configured in Time Management on the Playing Seasons page. 

CARA: Configuring Individual Sport Segments

Log Assignment Frequency
Logs are assigned for review at either a weekly or monthly frequency. This setting is configured in Time Management on the CARA Approval page. The frequency is only required for those sports in which logs will be submitted. 

Press Play!
Once Segments, Frequency, and Log Submitters have been defined, individual sports can be turned "On" to start being assigned logs. 

 When ready, Administrators can press the "Play" button for individual sports on the CARA Approval page in Time Management. When sports are not in season, they can be on "Pause" to stop log assignment. 

Student-Athlete Approvers

Student-Athletes can be configured to be automatically assigned logs for event review and approval. This is optional and the athlete "pool" is defined by Administration.

Assign SA Certifiers
Student-Athlete certifiers can be updated in bulk from any roster view (Department or Team). If your department does not utilize student-athlete approvals in ARMS, you can disable any new athletes from receiving this status from Administration, on the Department page. 

Defining Number of SA Approvers per Log
ARMS allows for flexibility in defining how many athletes should be selected to approve each submitted log. This can vary by sport if needed. 

Logs can be assigned to "All Certifiers" or to a "Random" set of certifiers based on how many athletes should be selected. Only Student-Athletes who were a participant on at least one event during the log period and have an active account will be selected. 

CARA Events

Creating Events
Coaches should create and save their events on the Playing Season page for their sport. Here they will be required to select event type and update participants for the individual event. 

Importing Competitions
In addition to manually adding team competitions directly on the Playing Season calendar, they can also be imported via spreadsheet. Spreadsheets can be sent to for import with the following fields:

  • Sport

  • Date of Competiton

  • Start Time (competitions default to 3hours of activity) 

  • Opponent

  •  Home vs. Away

Competition Participants
At the time of creation and/or log submission, a team event with the type "Competition" will have a flag for each participant to select if that athlete participated in competition. This status will update on the athlete's profile and squad list, noting that a season of eligibility has been used. 

Submitting & Approving Logs

Submitting Logs
Based on the settings defined in Setup, specified staff will be assigned logs either weekly or monthly. Coaches can review the saved activities on their Playing Season for accuracy (make modifications, add, or remove events) and then submit their log for approval. 

Note: Any events that were missing at the time of log submission and added later, will be included in a future log submission. 

Submitting CARA Events for Certification

Approving Logs
The review and final approval of Submitted Logs is done within Time Management on the Submitted Logs page. Here you can filter by sport and additional status as needed. 

CARA Warnings

Reviewing Warnings
ARMS will display a warning for any event, day of events, or week of events that may potentially be non-compliant. Coaches and Compliance staff can view these warnings directly on the Playing Season calendar or within the CARA Warnings page in Compliance. 

Resolving Warnings
There are three ways to remove warnings:

  • Fix it: edit the event by adjusting the time, type, or participants

  • Override it: In the case of an exception, any warning can be overridden

  • Confirm it: In the case of an actual violation, the warning can be confirmed. 

For more information about CARA Warnings and the Bylaws covered by ARMS, check out the CARA Warnings and Issues section.



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