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Archiving Recruits

Removing or Archiving Recruits from your database

Updated over a year ago

Module: Recruiting
​Page: Recruits, Prospect Profile

Archiving recruits from the system will automatically remove the recruit from your recruit list view. At the same time, the recruit will be moved into the 'Recruit Archive' page and all corresponding recruit activity will still be available for your Compliance Office.

You can remove a recruit from the Recruiting List through the Recruits page or from a Prospects Profile page.

Removing multiple recruits via the Recruit Management screen

  • You can also use the checkboxes to select multiple recruits.

  • Once selected, click on the menu button (3 lines) and select 'Archive'. Again you will be prompted prior to the recruits being archived.

  • You can also archive recruits in bulk, by using the 'Archive All' link located at the bottom of the grid.

  • Use the facets to select the group of prospects you'd like to archive.

  • BE ALERT - by utilizing the 'Archive All' link, you will be archiving the number of recruits that correspond the the number of recruits represented a the top left of the page.

Removing a recruit via the recruits profile

  • Utilize the 'Global Search' bar to identify the recruit you'd like to archive.

  • Once on the recruits profile page, click on the menu button (3 lines) and select 'Archive Recruit'. You will be prompted prior to the recruits being archived.

Once a recruit has been archived again, they will be removed from your main recruit list view. If you need a recruit that has been archived back in your main recruit list, you can go to the recruit archive page, search for their name, and hit the "Restore" button in the action column on the right hand side.

**Tip: We advise archiving recruiting classes that you are no longer recruiting. You can do this after every recruiting cycle by selecting the class in question from the Recruits page. Use the facets and the archive all link to remove the class in bulk.

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