Module: Department
βPage: Complimentary Tickets
Tickets can be allocated by sport, by event, or by athlete/staff member with the option to update at any time.
Sport level Allocations
Setting ticket allocations for a specific sport will set the default allocation for all events added to the corresponding sports' Playing Season Calendar. Ticket allocations are set by requestor type, with additional settings available:
Staff (Staff of Same Sport vs. Not of same sport)
External Requests (Prospect, HS Coach, Group)
Sport Allocations are managed in the Department module on the Complimentary Tickets page.
Click Tab for Sport Settings
Click on the name of the sport (i.e. Football) to update
Scroll to select Requestor Type
Update allocations settings available and SAVE
Event Specific Allocations
Allocations for a specific event such as a high-attendance event or post-season game, are managed on the Complimentary Tickets page in the Department module.
Click Tab for Events
Click on the event
Scroll and click to Settings
Select Requestor Type
Update allocation settings and SAVE
Individual Allocations
Ticket allocations can be adjusted individually for specific events on the Complimentary Tickets page in the Department module
Click Tab for Events
Click on the event
Scroll and click to Allocations
Select the Requestor Type, check the boxes for individuals to update , and select Update Ticket Allocations.