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Managing Positions
Updated over a year ago

Module: Settings
​Page: Sport

Each sport maintains their own positions in ARMS to associate with prospects and organize their data. Positions can also be used for events such as Jumps, Sprints, Distance or Swim vs. Dive. These positions can also be included on your Recruiting Questionnaire.

Important: Many times positions are created before you even use ARMS. If you had any previous provider information imported see below for information on managing existing positions.

Creating Positions

From the Settings module:

  • Click on the page for Sport and select your sport

  • Click on the tab for Positions

  • Click Add Position in the top, right corner

  • Enter the position Name (this displays on the questionnaire) and the Code (this displays in ARMS and is 4 characters long)

When ARMS imports recruit data, the positions provided may not match up with the pre-defined positions in the positions list. ARMS will automatically add the prospect's position to match what is provided in the import. If no matching position exists, a new one will be created and given a code such as P001. When you see this, you will want to "cleanup" your positions.

Merge Positions

From the Administration module

  • Click the page Sport and select your sport

  • Click on the Positions tab

  • Under the action tab click the checkboxes of the positions you would like to merge together.

  • Using the 3-bar menu icon on the top right of the screen, and select "merge."

  • A new screen will pop up, asking you to select the primary position. Selecting this position will set all instances of the other position(s) to this position.

  • Click the orange Merge Positions button in the lower right-hand corner to complete your merge.

Important: If you Delete a position, it will remove that now deleted position from any profile where it had been set.

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