Module: Recruiting
βPage: Recruits, Recruit Saved Searches & Groups, Tournaments
Bulk updating allows a user to update a single field (i.e. Status, Assigned Coach, etc.) across multiple recruits at once. This option is found on your Recruit Management, Saved Searches & Groups, and Tournament pages.
Select the contacts to be updated by checking the box to the left of their name. You can select all on a page by checking the box to the left of Action.
Select Bulk Update from the menu button at the top right of the contact list.
Select the criteria to update (i.e. Status)
Define what the new Value should be and Update Recruits.
Note: Depending on the number of recruits selected, the update may take a while. After returning to the list, please allow time for the update to process before accessing the updated recruits.
Helpful Hint: You can Add Custom Fields to track data specific to your program's prospects and use the Bulk Update feature to update your fields in just a couple of clicks.