Module: Recruiting
βPage: Recruit Management
When a new prospect is added to ARMS, whether Manually, via Questionnaire, or via Import, you may not have all important details at that time. With the ability to edit each recruit's profile, you can continue to update each prospect with specific information as it becomes available to you.
Updating Top of a Profile
From the recruit profile
Click pencil icon in upper right hand corner to access recruit's information fields in Edit mode.
Update the profile with your latest information
Click Save Changes in the upper right-hand corner to save your updates on the profile
Updating All Information
Choose category of information you want to update (personal, recruiting, athletic etc.) from the bottom of the profile.
Click Edit
Note that fields edited in this section will update any corresponding fields that may also be displayed at the top of the profile.
Update the profile with your latest information
Click Save Changes to save your updates on the profile
Profiles can be updated from the recruit grid by double-clicking on the field you want to change.