Module: Department
βPage: Complimentary Tickets
Administrators can set up custom questions they would like to ask their Student-Athletes, Recruits, or Staff about the guests that they are requesting complimentary tickets for a Competition.
Adding Custom Questions
Custom questions can be added from the Complimentary Ticket management screen and clicking on either Guest-Specific Questions or Ticket Specific Questions tab.
Guest -Specific Questions will only populate when a new guest is being added to ARMS. Where the Ticket Specific Questions will be asked each time a ticket is requested for each event.
You can hit the "Add New Question" button to create a new custom question. You can choose to make the approval questions required or not required based on the information you need from the Student-Athlete (ie. Is this guest a Sports Agent?) versus information that would be nice to have about the guest (ie. Is this guest an alum?). You can also use the arrows along the left-hand column to reorder the questions. If you ever want to make a change to an existing question or remove a question all together you can use the "Edit" and "Deactivate" buttons in the action column along the right-hand side of the grid.
Helpful Hint: All answers to the custom questions are viewable when you are approving the complimentary ticket request by click on the details of the request. Additionally, if you choose the "Export" option for your Complimentary Ticket Guest List each question will have it's own column in the .xls that is generated by ARMS.