Module: Administration
Page: Workflows
The ARMS Support Team will build your internal paper forms directly in ARMS to complete electronically, track statuses, and automate your process.
Building a New Custom Form
Send a copy of your current paper or Excel form to the ARMS Support Team to
Note: Forms should be sent in .doc, original .pdf or .xls format. Scanned documents cannot be accepted, as they are an image of the original.
Along with a copy of your current form, please include the following:
The approval steps in order and which user(s) should have access to approve for each step.
Who will initiate or be the initial submitter of the form?
Who is the form about? i.e. is the coach filling it out about themselves or a prospective student-athlete
Any special circumstances. For example, the Compliance Team only needs to approve if the Travel Type is for "Recruiting".
Helpful Hint: ARMS offers a variety of default forms that can be made available upon request. These forms are completely customizable and are just a template as a starting point. Please checkout our full list of default forms and email our Support Team at with the form names you would like to preview.