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Getting Started with CARA Warnings
Updated over 6 years ago

CARA Warnings in ARMS provide real-time insight into possible issues with your program's Practice and Playing Season schedule. Your goal should always be to review and resolve all warnings to the point that all sports pass the CARA Compliance Check. Follow these steps to accomplish that.

1. Playing Seasons Dashboard - For administrators, the Playing Seasons screen in the Time Management module provides an overview of all sports and their standing with the CARA Compliance Check. You can view applicable rules and flagged warnings directly from this screen by clicking the Compliance Check symbol.

2. Review Warnings - Each rule can be expanded to display the relevant NCAA legislation and the flagged warnings. From this view, you can jump directly to the week in question on the Playing Season calendar.

3. Resolve Warnings - We recommend that whenever possible you "Fix" the underlying cause of the Warning. That may involve modifying the Segment configuration, modifying an event on the calendar, or updating your underlying Academic Year (ie: terms, vacation periods) setup.

4. Override or Confirm - You always have the option to Override or Confirm the warning as well. Once a warning is overridden or confirmed it will no longer be displayed in the Compliance Check as a warning, enabling you to get back to a "passing" Compliance Check. Past overridden or confirmed issues can be viewed on the CARA Issues screen in the Compliance module.

Coaches and sport staff are able to view the Compliance Check as well directly from the Playing Season screen in the Team module. As they add events to their Playing Season, they will be presented with possible Warnings immediately.

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