Module: Settings
βPage: Security, User Profile
From time-to-time it is helpful to impersonate another active user in the database to move a process forward on behalf of or to view a page through that user's eyes.
How do I impersonate another user?
The option to impersonate another user is located directly on the profile of the ARMS User/SA Profile. Simply type the user's name into the Global Search at the top of the site and click their ARMS User or Student-Athlete profile.
ARMS User (i.e. coaches and staff)
Who can impersonate another user?
The System Administrator access role has the permission to impersonate a user by default. This permission can be added to an existing role and/or be created as its own Access Role to be given to individual users. Access roles are managed in the Settings module.
Click on the page for Security
Click on the tab for Access Roles
To add to an existing role, Click the Access Role Name
To add to a new role, Click the Add Access Role at the top, right of the page
Within the Settings category, Check the box for "Can impersonate users?"