Module: Android App
Page: Recruit Profile
The ARMS Mobile app now has the ability to capture documents! By utilizing either an existing photo or using your camera to take a new one, you can now add these photos to the prospects ‘Documents’ page on both the Web and Mobile apps
Adding Documents with Mobile App on Android
To add documents (Transcripts or Test Scores) with your Android Mobile app follow this process:
Access the prospect you’d like to update.
Once there, click on the ‘+ Document’ button at the top right (between the Update Photo button and Edit Pencil)
Select between the ‘Choose from Device’ and ‘Take a New Photo’ options
There select the Document you’d like to attach
Once you have either selected an image or taken a picture, you will be brought to the Add Document screen. Here you will need to Name (or Rename) the document, provide a description (both required) and add any optional notes.
Hit ‘Save’ and the document will be added to the prospect.
Note: You can check the document by accessing the Documents badge on the mobile profile page by scrolling down under the Snapshot area.