Embedding Images in Email
Winston Curry avatar
Written by Winston Curry
Updated over a week ago

You can include images in the body of an email using the Image Button Icon located to the far right of the email layout tool bar. Using the Upload tab, you can browse for images (.JPG) saved on you computer and insert them into the body of the email.

Recommended Image Size:

  • No more than 600 pixels wide to fit the width of the frame

  • Can be as long as needed

Note: You may find that some images are too large to be emailed by your browser. If this happens, you can use www.picresize.com or photoshop express (a free online picture resizing tool) to resize and crop your image to better fit your email campaign.

You can also include a hyperlink with your embedded image. Once the image has been added to the email, click to highlight the image and click the hyperlink icon in the toolbar.

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